Toddler Development
Between your toddler’s first and second birthdays, they will go through some enormous and fascinating leaps in development. Their physical coordination will improve considerably, and their walking and talking will improve as a result. They’ll also become increasingly self-aware and develop the skills needed to interact in new ways with others.
As they move beyond their second birthday, your child’s personality will shine even brighter, and their emotions will have a greater impact on their behaviour, even if they can’t express them well. A growing confidence in their own physical abilities will encourage them to experiment with activities such as brushing their teeth and jumping on furniture, as well as helping them learn to use a potty.
This stage of rapid growth and intense toddler development requires the support of extra nutrients. Incredibly, toddlers need 3 times more energy for their size than an adult, as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals.
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